Swapping languages make me look smart (2010-04-27, 22:49)

I've just been watching my hero of rants mash down piles of shit that media has praised, so I guess I'm doing quite well looking back, although with quite short hindsight, upon my setback yesterday.

What I deem necessary to say is that media in general can go fuck itself. Really. I mean, they will be the end of the world. Unless, of course, someone in either superpower-nation managed to find a large red button which says 'do not push' and is stupid enough to now know how to interpret that whilst standing surrounded by nuclear weapons.

According to daily tabloid papers you're a nobody if you don't know the right people, have the latest accessories and the stupid fucking gossip to match. It's getting out of control when the most important news aren't about serious things but that some famous bitch was arrested for acting inappropriately at a club only a handful of people not mentioned in the article has been or will go to ever.

As if that's not enough, let's continue on the next topic of ultimate retardation: today's modelling franchise! Send forth these sub-zero models whilst burning the self-esteem of millions of people.

I know I could talk about worse things, as the starvation in Africa, but it feels so remote to me. I can't say that I don't give a flying fuck about it, but in all honesty: I couldn't live a life if I should always worry about those people. At least not by my standard. Criticize that if you want, but remember that you're a hypocrite if you do.

We've estimated that a civilization that develops technology has a lifespan of 10'000 years. I say that once humankind started scratching on what shaped the society we now live in, we set the clock to about 500 years, 1000 at most. I would like to see Star Trek in real life, but I bet there's been a nuclear war before then because some countries with over a thousand nuclear warheads each (which, mind you, already exist today - as if one warhead wasn't enough) couldn't decide about the dress-code to a meeting.

Edit: The morale of this rant is that if we will become zombies relying on media to tell us what to do and not do (which some people already are) and goes around shooting people on the street to a further extent today as media tightens its hold on the western world, know that I fucking called it.


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